• Introduction

In another episode of learn in public I am here to share a little experiment that uses MoveNet to estimate a human pose of a video or the input from a webcam. Then we’ll send that information through our old and loved User Datagram Protocol (yes, these are the words behind UDP).

• Basic Structure

We are going to use Python and the program can be logically split into three parts:

i.- Inference Hub: MoveNet is a model offered by TensorFlow. Following the instructions/idea from this tutorial, in the Inference Hub, we initialize the desired flavor of the model and set up the details to invoke the inference method.

ii.- Frame Analysis: Since we are analyzing a video we will extract frame by frame using OpenCV to calculate the inference in a loop.

iii.- Pose Keypoints Transmission: The last part is all about transmitting the serialized results of the inference over the network using UDP.

Inference Hub

This part of the is pretty straightforward, following the tutorial from the TensorFlow site, we extract the functionality to download the desired model (we can choose from lightning or thunder, and its FP16 and INT8 quantized versions) with its inference invocation, the logic to crop a relevant section of the frame (this will help us to make our inference more efficient), and the logic to convert the inference results to key points and edges.

The code is inside pose_transmitter/inference_hub with hub.py as the main entry point.

Code screenshot

Frame Analysis

The frame extraction is made in the VideoPoseProcessor object where after the initialization we are ready to run a loop processing our video.

The code is in pose_transmitter/video_pose_processor.py

Code screenshot

The parameters are the inference_hub, the source, and a debug flag.

We use OpenCV to work with the video file or with the camera input.
The processing loop is as follows:

Code screenshot

Note the line 23 of the snapshot. Since OpenCV represents the colors of the image in the Blue-Green-Red (BGR) format we need to convert it to the Red-Green-Blue (RGB) format, which is the format that TensorFlow uses.

After running the inference we invoke the callback (in case of being defined) and display_results if specified.

The entry point of this logic is the method called start_processing with the only parameter the callback to process the results.

Code screenshot

Note how if the debug flag is present, we cannot use threads.
The logic behind this is that all the operations that display UI elements have to run in the main thread. And since the debug flag implies showing the results on the screen (display_results=True) we are limited in this regard.

Pose Keypoints Transmission

The data to be transmitted is serialized and then placed in a Queue. A worker thread is responsible for retrieving and dispatching these messages.

Our selection in this case is a simple UDP transmission, serializing the data using MsgPack which is a simpler approach compared to other serialization methods (like Procolol Buffers or Thrift), with support in different languages, and also more efficient than simple JSON.

The code is in pose_transmitter/qudp_transmitter.py We can see the constructor for QUDPTransmitter here:

Code screenshot

The code that receives the data (and what is used as the callback in the VideoPoseProcessor is this put_message method:

Code screenshot

We activate the worker thread with _activate_transmission and while is active, we will be sending the data through _send:

Code screenshot

The data consists of a list of pairs of floating-point values (List<float[]>):

    [989.79443359375, 635.7391967773438],
    [1091.6107177734375, 512.1315307617188],
    [889.1296997070312, 520.48828125],
    [1204.3812255859375, 533.4179077148438],

📝 Note:
It is worth noting that not all points may be inferred and included in the list.
For example, if the camera captures half of a person’s body, it will send the information of the points found on that particular half.

• Finally, all together…

The last part (ok, this time is the actual ‘last part’) is putting it all together.

The main.py file in our project is in charge of that.

We use argparse to being able to specify parameters from the terminal:

Code screenshot

And from there, we wrap up the rest:

Code screenshot

So now we are ready to use the program.
On the Terminal, we can execute:

python ./pose_transmitter/main.py --video_source 0 --host_ip --host_port 4900


python ./pose_transmitter/main.py --video_source some_video.mp4

or just:

python ./pose_transmitter/main.py --debug

The results are something like:

Code screenshot

• Notes

Performance: It is not really good. I am getting around 30FPS using my webcam (less than that as you can see in the example) which for this experiment is enough.
In the TensorFlow JS Demo, I am getting 3x times that. Same machine, on the browser, Javascript… You get the idea…

Even in Python, I am pretty sure that there is space for improvement. Maybe the fact that I am extracting the frame, then doing the inference, and then extracting the next frame.
Couldn’t be parallel tasks? Not sure how the Global Interpreter Lock will limit this, but is an interesting exercise that is pending.


Finally, the code is in this repo, all ideas, suggestions, and comments are welcome!